Business Automation


Arete Wealth Strategists



In the world of finance, efficiency and client satisfaction are paramount.


Sales Automation

CRM Development

Tools Used
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Business Automation Transformation for Arete Wealth Strategists

In the world of finance, efficiency and client satisfaction are paramount. This case study delves into the partnership between Arete Wealth Strategists, an independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) serving Australian and American expats, and House of Work, a global marketing and automation agency.

Arete Wealth Strategists faced a significant challenge in centralizing their data and streamlining client communication. House of Work stepped in with a three-phase approach—Ideation, Execution, and Completion—to transform their business automation processes. The result was a centralized data hub, customized Salesforce CRM, integrated PreciseFP, and efficient email automations, leading to scalable growth and a premium client experience.


Identifying the Challenge

Arete Wealth Strategists grappled with data dispersion and inefficient client communication processes. To begin, House of Work conducted a thorough analysis in the Ideation phase, understanding Arete's specific needs and pain points.

Crafting a Tailored Solution

With a deep understanding of Arete's challenges, House of Work's creative team brainstormed innovative solutions. They envisioned a strategy that would centralize data efficiently, enhance client communication, and facilitate scalable growth.

Defining Key Components

During the Ideation phase, House of Work pinpointed critical components of the solution. This included fact finders for data centralization, Salesforce CRM customization, PreciseFP integration for streamlined data management, and personalized email automations.

Strategic Planning and Workflow Design

As part of the Ideation process, House of Work strategically planned and designed workflows to ensure that data would flow seamlessly between the various components of the solution, optimizing efficiency.

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Centralizing Data with Fact Finders

Moving into Execution, House of Work introduced fact finders as a foundational element of the solution. These tools efficiently collected and organized client information, ensuring quick access and enhancing the overall client experience.

Customizing Salesforce CRM

Recognizing Arete's use of Salesforce CRM, House of Work leveraged their expertise to customize the platform. This customization aligned Salesforce with Arete's specific requirements and ensured seamless integration with fact finders.

Integrating Data with PreciseFP

To further optimize data management, House of Work integrated PreciseFP, a robust financial planning and data collection tool. They developed a mapping tree to facilitate smooth data transfer from PreciseFP to Salesforce, eliminating redundancy and streamlining the centralization process.

Implementing Email Automations for Efficiency

House of Work designed and implemented personalized email automations strategically throughout the prospective client meeting process. These automations facilitated timely and relevant communication with clients, resulting in a premium client experience and saving Arete valuable time.

User Training and Transition

As part of the Execution phase, House of Work provided comprehensive user training to Arete's team, ensuring a smooth transition to the new systems and processes.

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Achieving Scalable Growth

With Execution completed, Arete Wealth Strategists successfully onboarded 100 prospective clients over three years, demonstrating the scalability of their operations and the effectiveness of the implemented solutions.

Ongoing Support and Optimization

As part of Completion, House of Work established ongoing support and optimization processes to ensure that Arete's systems continued to perform efficiently and adapt to evolving needs.


House of Work's three-phase approach—Ideation, Execution, and Completion—proved highly effective in deploying a tailored business automation solution for Arete Wealth Strategists. By centralizing data, customizing Salesforce CRM, integrating PreciseFP, and implementing email automations, House of Work transformed Arete's operations. This resulted in scalable growth and an elevated client experience. House of Work's expertise in marketing and automation continues to empower their clients in the competitive world of independent RIAs, showcasing the potential for efficiency and growth through strategic business automation.

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